Culture, IT, Trend, Travel , Experience korea travel & culture youtube:
2022. 12. 4.
Using paginator in boto3
### no paginations code
### using paginator code
2022. 10. 16.
migration evernote to notion ( by python program :enex2notion)
I 've been used evernote for a long time. but I changed to notion recently.
I tried to export data from evernote to notion. The guide which is proposed by notion team is not good. But I found 'enex2notion' tool by googling. It it very effective for me although some installation step is not simple for me.
I shared it for another users.
My pc is mac.
enex2notion --token <TOKEN from 2.5 step> "mynotebook.enex" ## do not include letter "<", ">"
2022. 8. 13.
OrderedDict. ( in Python)
func: Dictionary remembers added order of items.
Ref :
Usecase sample : convert number to roman numerals.
2022. 7. 3.
Loading xml data in excel vba by using XML Object(MSXML2.DOMDocument)
### in excel file ( xlsm , macro excel , enable macro)
' Declare xml object
set xmlObj = CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument.6.0")
' set loading option with non async
xmlObj.Async = False
' validate off
xmlObj.validateOnParse = False
' reading file from sample.xml
xmlObj.Load "sample.xml"
' select all "mynode" from root node recursively ( ref. xml path grammar in detail)
' root node에서 mynode 모두 선택하기 추가적인 부분은 xml path 문법을 참고
Set nodeList = xmlObj.SelectNodes("//mynode")
for index to nodeList.Length -1
set myNode = nodeList(index)
' do somthing
aa = myNode.text
next index